If you’re bored with sitting on Facebook or Twitter waiting for something interesting to pop, here’s a random list of 50 websites that you can spend hours or just waste time on. There’s something for everyone on the Internet
Rainy Mood
This Is Why I’m Broke
Find the Invisible Cow
Hacker Typer
Shut Up And Take My Money
Staggering Beauty
Cat Bounce
Wait But Why
I Waste So Much Time
Flame Painter
Draw a Stick Man
Addicting Games
The Useless Web
College Humor
Drum Kit
Don’t Even Reply
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Sleepy Time
Weave Silk
This is Sand
Damn You Autocorrect
Passive-aggressive Notes
There I Fixed It
Eel Slap
Home Edit
Where Cool Things Happen
The Chive
Attack of the Cute
Zerg Net
Bro Tips
People of Walmart
List Verse
Wonder How To
Console Living Room
The Onion
Useful Science
US Debt Clock
Google Feud
Additional Websites to Waste Time On
We’re looking at you, our dear readers, to give us new ideas for great websites. Help us grow this list beyond 50!
Tell us some of your favorite websites for wasting time by hitting us up at [email protected].
Sharif Jameel is a business owner, IT professional, runner, & musician. His professional certifications include CASP, Sec+, Net+, MCSA, & ITIL and others. He's also the guitar player for the Baltimore-based cover band, Liquifaction.
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I made it through all of them! You should do another post of these.