Incredible Tips for Easing Back to Normal Life After a Stroke

Last updated on July 4th, 2024 at 09:36 pm

A stroke can change your life in an instant, these tips can help get you back into the swing of things.

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One of the most significant causes of long-term disability in the US, strokes can even lead to death if you fail to seek immediate medical attention.  Strokes can occur due to several reasons such as a blood clot, a bleeding aneurysm, and an arteriovenous malformation. All these problems interrupt the flow of blood to the brain.

Types of Strokes

Caused by the stoppage of blood flow to the brain, strokes are of two different types: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke.

Ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke is a kind of stroke which occurs when a blood clot interrupts the supply of blood to your brain. It blocks a blood vessel, which makes it difficult for the brain to receive the blood due to which the brain cells start dying within seconds.

Another significant cause of ischemic stroke is a condition called intracranial stenosis, which narrows your artery. It occurs due to atherosclerosis, a disease that stems from plaque buildup in the artery. 

When the plaque buildup in the artery briefly disrupts the blood flow to the brain, it is known as a Transient ischemic attack (TIA). And if you experience a Transient Ischemic Attack, it means you are vulnerable to a more severe stroke.

Hemorrhagic Stroke

Caused by underlying factors such as an arteriovenous malformation – a problem in the vascular system that affects blood flow to the brain, or a bleeding aneurysm – a bulge in an artery wall, hemorrhagic stroke is not that common. 

A complex mix of arteries, veins, and capillaries, the vascular system helps in supplying oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body.  It provides blood to all the organs through arteries and veins.  However, an arteriovenous malformation keeps it from supplying blood to the brain, which leads to hemorrhagic stroke.

Similarly, when an aneurysm bursts, it causes heavy bleeding in the brain which can lead to stroke.

It’s essential to take treatment quickly for hemorrhagic stroke; otherwise, it can lead to a variety of complications.

Symptoms of Stroke

  • Weakness in one side of the body including face, arm, and leg
  • A sudden problem in speaking
  • Getting a severe headache without any known reason
  • Getting confused suddenly
  • Trouble walking due to loss of balance

So, if you have experienced a stroke recently, here is how you can get back to your normal life.

Rely on Your Support System

Having a strong support system is utterly vital for a person who experienced a stroke recently. Since a stroke affects your body in a variety of ways, it becomes difficult for you to ease back to your normal life.  However, if you have a strong support system which can include your loved ones and friends, you can experience a swift recovery.

When you come back to your home from the hospital, there must be people who can support you in carrying out the activities of daily living, especially if you are struggling with a disability that results from it. The most common problem that occurs due to a stroke is paralysis.

If you are living with paralysis, you will find it difficult to carry out daily living activities like bathing, dressing, preparing your meals, and doing the dishes, so you have to rely on your loved ones.

Seek Physical Therapy

Many people lose their strength, flexibility, and range of motion after a stroke, which makes it difficult for them to carry out physical activities. So, if you are also one among them, it’s essential for you to seek the help of a physical therapist to regain your function.

Your therapist will use different kinds of techniques including therapeutic exercise to help you regain your function fast.

According to Active Recovery & Manual Physical Therapy, “…the strengthening and exercising of muscles provide positive feedback to the nervous system to accelerate adaptation and function.”

If you are having a problem with hand function such as facing issues while writing or moving an elbow, then an occupational therapist will help you regain your hand function.

Apart from that, your occupational therapist will also include exercises in your care plan to strengthen your cognitive functions. Similarly, if you are facing a speech problem, your speech therapist will help you address its root cause.

Consume a Nutritious Diet

Embracing dietary changes can play a crucial role in easing back to normal life after having a stroke. Make healthy food choices to provide that much-needed energy to your body. Consuming nutritious food can strengthen your cardiovascular system thereby reducing the risk of another severe stroke. Eating healthy food is also essential for lowering cholesterol as well as blood pressure.

Keep Your Body Active

Staying active is also necessary for recovering from a stroke. You can carry out easy to perform exercises at home regularly to improve the blood flow and to strengthen your muscles. If you consider all the above tips, it will not only make it easier for you to get back to your normal life but will also improve your overall well-being.

1 thought on “Incredible Tips for Easing Back to Normal Life After a Stroke”

  1. I got stroke 10 years ago and I remembered the first time I walked in Walmart and saw lots of objects on shelves makes me dizzy… slowly overtime I got better. I lost senses of smell and taste and now its regained slowly. I admit I do smoke marijuana almost everyday. Its because I get too dizzy so I thought maybe smoking weed will help me to calm down inside my head… Now I feel like badly noisy dizzy inside my brain. I decided not to smoke today.. i am afraid it will increase the craziness….I bought a tricycle so I can ride in electric.. Its really cool but its too small for me. I ordered wrong size. I cant ride or swim i lose balance… I have to get someone to watch.. I thought maybe I will go to physical therapy but I can’t afford 30 dollars for every visit. The only thing I can do is to walk. not many miles. just when I feel its too much I will stop walking. and walked back home.

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