Parsley is More than Just a Garnish
Also known as rock celery, parsley is the most popular culinary herb in the world. It’s one of the 7 most powerful disease-fighting spices that also include turmeric, red chili pepper, sage, cinnamon, oregano and ginger. Parsley is a nutritious food, but it’s often under-appreciated. Many people don’t realize that it has more uses than just being a garnish. Juicing enthusiasts have been adding it to their juicing recipes for years. Check out these amazing health benefits of parsley.
Parsley is Nutrient Dense
Parsley contains just about all nutrients needed by the body. There are few foods in the world which contain the number of beneficial vitamins and compounds as parsley. It is truly a superfood. In this post, I’ll go over many of the key nutrients and their health benefits.
Vitamin C
Parsley contains higher levels of vitamin C compared to citrus fruits. Flavinoids that comprise the Vitamin C molecule work as an antioxidant helper and maintain blood cell membranes. Vitamin C allows the body to create collagen which is an important component of wound healing. It protects against some types of cancer by neutralizing free radicals. Additionally, without enough vitamin C one can develop scurvy. Supplements can also help reduce the duration of the common cold.
Nutrient Absorption
Parsley also stimulates and boosts the organs’ energy, enhancing their capability to use and absorb nutrients. This herb contains alpha-linolenic acid, an important essential fatty acid that most diets today lack. Alpha-linolenic acid can be found in nuts as well as meat and dairy products. It helps prevent heart attacks, treats high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, diabetes, and a host of other illnesses.
Contains Chlorophyll
One of the great health benefits of parsley is it’s high levels of chlorophyll. This chemical helps the body prevent the spread of fungi, bacteria and other harmful organisms. Chlorophyll is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. It helps relieve sinusitis and mucus congestion. It also helps to improve immune response. Chlorophyll is also high in oxygen, helping the lungs release residues from environmental pollution and restrain viruses. Evidence also exists that chlorophyll helps fight cancer. Like vitamin C, it also helps speed up wound healing due to its antibacterial properties.
Loaded with Beta Carotene
This herb also contains beta carotene which is beneficial for protein assimilation. Beta carotene protects the colon and lungs. The body converts it into vitamin A which is crucial to a strong immune system and good eye health.
Parsley Contains Folic Acid
Folic acid is an important nutrient for proper division of cells and thus, it’s crucial for prevention of cancer in two areas of the body that have quickly dividing cells – the cervix and the colon. It’s also beneficial for cardiovascular health as it converts homocysteine to benign molecules. At high levels, homocysteine can damage blood vessels and boost the possibility of stroke and heart attacks in people with diabetic heart disease or atherosclerosis.

High in Iron
One tablespoon of dried parsley or one half cup fresh has about ten percent of your daily requirements for iron. Red blood cells can’t carry oxygen through your body without iron. Without enough iron, you’ll feel tired and exhausted all the time. Low iron levels will also cause weakness, fast heartbeat, & shortness of breath. If you suspect that you are low on iron, there is a great list of symptoms from you can check out.
Vitamin B12
B12 producing compounds are present in parsley. These compounds are needed for normal cell growth and red blood cell formation, pregnancy, prevention of degenerative diseases, fertility, and immunity. The effect of vitamin B12 is prevented by antibiotics, lethargic liver, intoxicants, parasites, excess bacteria, stress, and birth control pills. Parsley can help thwart these inhibitors.
Contains Flourine
Parsley is rich in fluorine. The molecular structure of fluorine is completely different from chemically-generated fluoride. Deficiency in fluorine leads to tooth decay. Fluorine protects the body from viruses, germs and invasion. The combination of fluorine and calcium creates a hard protective surface on bones and teeth.
Vitamin K
Parsley contains high levels of Vitamin K, which is vital for bones to obtain the minerals they require to form properly. Cooking the herb almost doubles its Vitamin K. Consuming at least 100 mcg of Vitamin K daily can also reduce your risk of hip fracture.
Healthful Oils
Parsley is also loaded with volatile oil components, including alpha-thujene, myristicin, eugenol and limonene. Myristicin, in particular, functions as an antioxidant that helps neutralize certain kinds of carcinogens. Parsely is also rich in phosphorus, manganese, inositol, sulphur, potassium and calcium.
Adding parsley to your regular diet is a simple way to give your body some of the vital nutrients it needs. Use it as an ingredient in marinades or a chopped up addition to salsa. Don’t think of it as just a garnish. Parsley is a super food and should be enjoyed as such.
Additional Keywords: Health benefits of parsley, vitamin k, vitamin c, diet, antioxidant
I'm a freelance writer from Israel. I like to write about just about anything. English is my 2nd language so please forgive me if my writing isn't perfect.