Is The Illuminati Real? How to Join Illuminati Affiliates

Last updated on July 4th, 2024 at 09:36 pm

The Illuminati are among the best-known secret societies, if they even exist. But if they do, how would one go about joining them? Is it even possible?

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Because our site has a handful of posts regarding the enigmatic Illuminati, we’ve garnered the attention of many individuals interested in joining. We receive emails and post comments asking questions like, “How to join Illuminati?”, “is the Illuminati real?”, and “What’s the Illuminati?” As a result, we’re going to provide you with the answers.

Is The Illuminati Real?

I guess the best place to start is whether or not the organization actually exists. The Illuminati, we know for sure, at least existed at one time in the past. In fact, the founding of the Illuminati is quite well-known and a definite part of history.

Adam Weishaupt Illuminati Bavarian
Adam Weishaupt | Image Source: Public Domain – Wikipedia

Founded in 1776 on May 1st by Adam Weishaupt, the Bavarian Illuminati was a secret society that embraced secularism and opposed superstition and abuses of state power.

Weishaupt wanted to limit the interference of the Church in public life and based the society on the Freemasons.

Unfortunately, by 1800, the Bavarian ruler Charles Theodore had outlawed all secret societies. His efforts, along with the Roman Catholic Church, vilified the group to the point that they all but disappeared.

What is The Illuminati in Modern Times?

In the modern day, many organizations and individuals have claimed the Illuminati and its offshoots have thrived in the shadows and maintain control and direction over the entire world.

Almost every one of fame, wealth, or power has been at some point considered a possible Illuminati member.

But the evidence supporting such claims, however, is weak. Conspiracy theorists point to alleged Illuminati signs and symbols which permeate our environment.

Other evidence by those who believe, includes the number of celebrities and political leaders who regularly ‘flash’ Illuminati hand symbols.

These ‘Illuminati celebrities’ include the likes of Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, and even President Donald Trump.

The Illuminati Scammer Zone

As a site that has many articles about the Illuminati, we regularly are contacted by individuals claiming to be agents of the organization. They make crazy promises.

Many of these scammers claim insanely large cash rewards as benefits of joining.

In reality, they’re just like the rest of those Nigerian scammers who try to get people to part with their hard-earned money on the basis of a lie.

Illuminati Leader Eagle Head
Image by Comfreak on Pixabay

How to Join Illuminati

As disappointing as it may seem, the truth is that one cannot search and find a way to join the Illuminati.

If the Illuminati is real, and they’re as powerful as many claim them to be, you can only hope they will contact you on their own. But they would likely only do that if you were already very influential, wealthy, or have been born into a family that is.


Never part with your hard-earned money on the promise of more. If the Illuminati is real, you will be contacted to be a member. You cannot simply ‘go apply’ no matter what the scammers tell you.

Your best bet is to become the best and most successful human being you can possibly be. Help people in need. Work hard and give to charity. The Illuminati may reach out to you to join them, but only after you’ve proven your worth.

Additional Keywords: how to join Illuminati, is the Illuminati real, what’s the Illuminati, what is the Illuminati, Illuminati symbols, Illuminati celebrities, illuminat

Rooben Rack

I'm a conspiracy junkie. I think information can be deadly. This isn't my real name. Nor is it my real picture. That's how you stay safe. We've all been lied to.

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