Cucumbers can treat different conditions due to their rich nutritional content which includes plant compounds and antioxidants. Cucumber juice helps dehydrations and weight loss due to its sufficient water and fiber. In this article, you’ll discover the incredible health benefits of cucumbers.
Sufficient Antioxidants
Oxidation is a chemical reaction that creates active atoms with unpaired electrons called free radicals. The availability of antioxidants can help reduce oxidation in humans. Oxidation can lead to conditions such as chronic pain. Other conditions which result from oxidation include cancer, heart, lung, autoimmune disease and more.
To fight against oxidation, patients will need to eat enough cucumbers since they have a high concentration of potent antioxidants that can treat cancer, heart, lung, autoimmune disease and more.
According to a study based on the potential benefits of cucumber, grownups were given cucumber juice. The results of the study showed that there was an essential increase in the rate of antioxidant occurrence in grownups[1].
Another study was conducted by researchers based on the antioxidant elements of cucumbers. The results of this study showed that cucumber contains flavonoids and tannins, which have been proven to fight against free radicals resulting from oxidation[2].

It Reduces Dehydration
Your body needs enough water to work perfectly[3]. Water is responsible for regulating body temperature and the movement of nutrients within the body. Drinking enough water enhances the mechanism of the body.
People who don’t drink enough water can help compensate by eating fruits and vegetables which are known to have sufficient fluids.
Cucumber juice can reduce dehydration by providing the body with sufficient fluids due to its high concentration of water[4].
Weight Loss
The low amount of fats contained in cucumbers can help in the reduction of weight. Researchers have proven that those who constantly consume low calorie vegetables such as cucumbers may experience weight loss over a short period of time[5].
Mix cucumbers with other vegetables to lose weight since it has a high concentration of water. A single medium cucumber has only about 30 calories!
Cucumbers Can Decrease Blood Sugar
Researchers have proven that eating cucumbers can help people living with high blood sugar levels resulting from diabetes[6].
According to a study based on animals induced with diabetes, scientist fed an animal with cucumber and it showed that cucumber peel treated most of the changes related to diabetes thus leading to low blood sugar[7].
Despite this study, researchers are still to test the effects of cucumber on humans suffering with diabetes.
Final Thoughts
Cucumbers can be a great addition to your diet that come with tremendous health benefits.
Eat them alone or mixed into healthy salads for an all around healthy boost.
Sources & Additional Reading:
Featured Image Source: Pixabay
1. Ji, L., et al. “In vivo antioxidant properties of lotus root and cucumber: A pilot comparative study in aged subjects.” The journal of nutrition, health & aging 19.7 (2015): 765-770.
2. Kumar, D., et al. “Free radical scavenging and analgesic activities of Cucumis sativus L. fruit extract.” Journal of Young Pharmacists 2.4 (2010): 365-368.
3. Jéquier, Eric, and Florence Constant. “Water as an essential nutrient: the physiological basis of hydration.” European journal of clinical nutrition 64.2 (2010): 115.
4. Guelinckx, Isabelle, et al. “Contribution of water from food and fluids to total water intake: analysis of a French and UK population surveys.” Nutrients 8.10 (2016): 630.
5. Stelmach-Mardas, Marta, et al. “Link between food energy density and body weight changes in obese adults.” Nutrients 8.4 (2016): 229.
6. Roman-Ramos, R., J. L. Flores-Saenz, and F. J. Alarcon-Aguilar. “Anti-hyperglycemic effect of some edible plants.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 48.1 (1995): 25-32.
7. Dixit, Yamini, and Anand Kar. “Protective role of three vegetable peels in alloxan induced diabetes mellitus in male mice.” Plant foods for human nutrition 65.3 (2010): 284-289.
Rylie is freelance writer, fitness blogger, and travel junkie. Originally from Toronto, she currently resides in Lima, Peru but is always on the move to discover new adventures.